

Künstliche Intelligenz, das Lehren und Lernen von morgen

Tech Talk

In the first episode of our Tech Talk Podcast Series, presented in German, professor Salah Ziri and student Zineb Mabrour discuss the intricate relation between education and Artificial Intelligence.


Avoiding the Political Resource Curse: Evidence from a Most-Likely Case

Monday Talk

In a new episode of our Monday Talk Podcast Series, Professor Moritz Schmoll and his co-author Professor Geoffrey Swenson share their insights on their latest paper titled "Avoiding the Political Resource Curse: Evidence from a Most-Likely Case".…


The Re-Emergence of the Language of Thought Hypothesis Across the Cognitive Sciences

Monday Talk

In a new episode of our Monday Talk Podcast Series, Professor Nicolas Porot shares his insights on his paper titled "The Best Game in Town: The Re-Emergence of the Language of Thought Hypothesis Across the Cognitive Sciences". This paper was selected…


الزجل المغربي: من الإنتساب الأندلسي إلى الإمتداد الحداثي

Language & Culture Podcast Series

تشاركنا الأستاذة حنان بندهمان رؤيتها حول موضوع  "الزجل المغربي: من الإنتساب الأندلسي إلى الإمتداد الحداثي" في حلقة جديدة من سلسلة بودكاست "لغة وثقافة"


Potential Economic Impacts of Agricultural Growth in Africa: Evidence from Guinea-Bissau

Monday Talk

In a new episode of our Monday Talk Podcast Series, Professor Luc Savard shares his insights on his paper titled "Potential Economic Impacts of Agricultural Growth in Africa: Evidence from Guinea-Bissau".


The Idea of Geopoetics (Part 3)

Language & Culture Podcast Series

In the third part of the first episode of our Language & Culture Podcast Series, Professors Paul Isbell and Najib Bounahai continue their discussion on the concept of Geopoetics, providing further insights and thought-provoking analysis.


Moroccan Cinema

Language & Culture Podcast Series

In this episode of the "Language & Culture Podcast Series", professors Najib Bounahai and Jamal Bahmda explore the fascinating world of moroccan cinema by sharing valuable insights on the topic.


Global Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Trends in a Changing World

Experts Talk

In a new episode of Post-Conference insights, Paulo Portas provides is with valuables insights and perspectives on the Global Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Trends that the world is facing today.


''Climate and Sustainability Strategies"

Experts Talk

Following his conference on ''Climate and Sustainability Strategies", Andreas Kraemer delves further into the topic providing us with insightfuls remarks.


Les conséquences géopolitiques de la guerre en Ukraine

Post-conference Insights

In the first episode of our ''Post-Conference Insights'' podcast series, we had the pleasure of hosting Mr. Bruno Tertrais, following his conference on the geopolitical consequences of the ongoing war in Ukraine as he provided us with a deeper…