Fil d'Ariane
Hassan Rachik
Affiliate Professor
[email protected] Téléchager le CVHassan Rachik is an Affiliate Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.
Anthropologist, he was Professor at Hassan II University (1982-2021), member of the academy of the kingdom of Morocco, Director of the Moroccan Center for Social Sciences (2017-2021), Fulbright Scholar (1993-1994), Member of the Special Commission for the Development Model (2019-2021). Visiting Professor in American, European and Arab universities (Princeton, Brown, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, Saint-Joseph University in Beirut, Institute For the Study of Islamic Civilizations in London...). He devoted his first field research to the interpretation of sacrificial rituals and politics (1990, 1992), and the explanation of social changes within rural areas (2000). He studied the uses of ideologies (nationalist, Amazigh and Islamist), the processes of secularization (2003, 2006), how religions turn into ideologies, and how ideologies permeate the common knowledge. Within the same perspective of the sociology of knowledge, he has studied colonial and post-colonial anthropological knowledge (2012).
He published many books including Sacré et sacrifice dans le Haut Atlas (1990) ; Le sultan des autres: Rituel et politique dans le Haut Atlas (1992) ; Comment rester nomade (2000) ; Symboliser la nation (2003) ; Le proche et le lointain; Un siècle d’anthropologie au Maroc (2012) ; Anthropologie des plus proches. Retour sur le temps de mes parents (2012) ; L’esprit du terrain (2016); Eloge des identités molles (2016) ; Socio-anthropologie rurale, Structure, organisation, changement dans la campagne maghrébine (2019); Devenir anthropologue chez soi (2022); Le Maroc rural. Dictionnaire socio-anthropologique (2023). Author of several articles in French, Arabic and English including: « How Religion turns into Ideology » (2009); « Moroccan Islam? On Geertz’s Generalization” (2009); “On the Authority of Disciples, Essay on the Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism and its transformation” (2015); “Patterns of Sacrifice and Power Structure” (2019); “Understanding Colonial Anthropology: On the Ethnographic Situation Approach” (2020).
For the academic year 2022-2023
- (ANT001E) Introduction to Anthropology
- (ANT301P) Pouvoir et Société au Maroc